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December 7th-Mixed Doubles

December 8th-Men's Doubles, Women's Doubles and Family Doubles



Round Robin: All teams in the same age and skill level bracket will play against each other once. Based on the number of teams that register and at the event organizers discretion, there may be two groups of the same age and skill level in a bracket. In such case, the 1st and 2nd place teams in each group will play-off to determine 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. 



Games are played to 11, win by 2 (or played to 15 win by 2 depending on the size of the bracket). If games in a bracket are based on a set amount of time (for example, 15 minutes per game) there will be no overtime if one of the teams has not reached 11 or 15. Winners are based on total wins. Tiebreakers are determined by total score.



1st, 2nd and 3rd-place awards will be presented



2.5 = UTPR or DUPR: 2.500 – 2.999

3.0 = UTPR or DUPR: 3.000 – 3.499

3.5 = UTPR or DUPR: 3.500 – 3.999

4.0 = UTPR or DUPR: 4.000 – 4.499



The Pickle-icious Jingle Jam will recognize national ratings from UTPR or DUPR. Players on both rating systems must select the highest of their doubles ratings, mixed or gender at the time of registration.


Any player that does not have a UTPR or DUPR may register with a self rating. To determine a self rating use the USAPA player skill rating definitions:


NOTE: We understand that USA Pickleball is sunsetting all UTPR ratings and introducing the UTR-Pickleball Rating (UTR-P), a new official rating of USA Pickleball. However, registration for this year’s Pickle-icious Jingle Jam event will not be recognizing the new UTR-P rating


UTPR stands for USA Pickleball Tournament Player Rating

DUPR stands for Dynamic Universal Pickleball Rating

UTR-P stands for UTR-Pickleball Rating


Choose a partner keeping in mind the following:

  • If the number of registrants allows, there will be two age groups per bracket. The final age groupings will be determined by the event organizers once registration closes and brackets have been filled.

  • The minimum age of Players is 18 with the exception of the Family Bracket in which case the ages are from 12-17 years of age.

  • Players must “level up” to the highest skill level on the team

  • Players must “age down” to the youngest player on the team

  • Older players are permitted to “age down” to a younger age group

  • Confirmation of your bracket, approximate starting time, and additional information will be emailed to you and your partner ahead of time and will be available on this website.

  • Substitutions of partners within the same skill level and age group are allowed after registration. Email to: with the substitute’s first and last name, age, rating, email address, phone number, partner’s name, and whether the event is Women’s Doubles, Mixed Doubles, Men’s Doubles, or Family Doubles



There will be 2 age groups per skill level in Women’s, Men's and Mixed doubles. Age groups will be determined by the event organizer after registration is closed.


Women's, Mixed Doubles               2.5-2.9

Women's, Men's, Mixed Doubles    3.0-3.4

Women's, Men's, Mixed Doubles    3.5-3.9

Women's, Men's, Mixed Doubles    4.0-4.4

Family Doubles*                              all skill levels           


*Family Doubles Bracket- A family consists of one adult (18 years and older) who is a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, brother, sister (including steps and surrogates) plus a child 12-17 years of age.



This is a non-sanctioned event. To the best of our ability, this event adheres to the USA Pickleball 2024 Official Rulebook:



Online payment is made at the time of registration. Registration is not complete until BOTH players are registered and an ​on-line waiver must be agreed to at the time of registration.


You will not be fully registered until BOTH you and your partner register


The Pickle-icious Jingle Jam and Mingle Jingle BBQ are fundraisers benefiting We Care Tucson. Registration fees and Jingle Mingle BBQ tickets are a donation to the organization. As such there will be no refunds for any reason.


You will receive an email acknowledging your donation and the percentage that is tax deductible after the completion of your registration. We Care Tucson is a 501(c)3 and a qualified Arizona State Tax Credit organization - QCO code 22087.



Notification of any cancellations or weather delays will be found on the home page of this website. We will attempt to post this information at least 1 hour prior to your assigned check-in and warm up times. Rainout reschedule date is December 14, 2024.




Early Bird Price
Regular Pricing
After 11/22
Single Event
Registration closes
2 Events
Registration closes
Family Event
Registration closes
Mingle Jingle BBQ
Raffle - Single ticket
Raffle - 6 tickets
  • Registered players only pay $40 flat rate for Mingle Jingle BBQ 


Mon - Tues Thurs - Fri 10 AM to 3:30 PM
Wed - 12 PM to 6 PM​
3029 N Stone Avenue, Tucson AZ 85705
​Tel: (520) 514-1588

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